The key to successful dog training is CLARITY AND CONSISTENCY closely tied in with RELATIONSHIP and COMMUNICATION.

I can help you to achieve this…



Jenny is a natural with all dogs, and has worked magic with our little black Labrador Baozi! In the first week, we went from being frustrated with him and with ourselves to feeling like he wanted to listen and be trained. After each session with her, we feel like he is more in tune with us and understands how to respond better. In fact, it’s as if he’s excited to learn! She has taught us how to stop him from mouthing and biting, love his crate, lead walk, recall, sit, go down, drop his toys, and get on his bed. Best of all, she has taught us with clear, simple and straightforward instructions exactly what we need to know and implement to make everyone happy. She’s ace!! Highly recommended!!

Mimi K



Jenny is the genuine article, a true dog whisperer! She had a natural, easy and confident rapport with our two dogs, who immediately responded to her. We are so happy that we found her and can highly recommend her. It was an absolute gift to see how happy our two dogs were training with her. We travelled from London for a week of residential and one to one training which has completely changed our dogs’ confidence and abilities. It has also richened our relationship with them to no end. We cannot thank her enough.

She was concise and patient with her explanations, able to reassure and direct us, whilst ensuring that we were building a training approach around our dogs' natural instinct and designed to support them in succeeding- building their confidence (and ours!) with simple steps to build on. It is evident that there is both art and science to what she does. Not only did she leave us with better behaved, less impulsive, more confident and happier dogs; she gave us the tools to communicate with them and provided us with the principles of how to shape any training we might be interested in doing with them in the future.

Clear and methodical, Jenny brought about very quick results and inspired us as to what will be possible with our wonderful, but what we previously thought as challenging, two dogs. This past week post-training, we have seen how much more confident and happy our dogs are and we are so happy to have developed a closer bond with them through games and training. We have worked with a few recommended and well established trainers in London previously, but Jenny is hands - and paws - down, the best!

Luita L


Having a dog with any behavioural issues is daunting but when that dog is a very strong, very large German shepherd, it’s not fun!! I researched so many trainers and the majority stated how for large breeds you can’t possibly train them using positive methods, and you’d need a French collar, an E collar, a prong collar, this is NOT the case!!! I can’t remember how I found Jenny but I’m so glad I did.

Owning multiple dogs I presumed I was very clued up on dogs and how to deal with a range of issues, but when my dog started displaying reactivity and nerve issues I was so stressed, I’d tried handling it myself, and we weren’t achieving anything other than me getting more frustrated with him and him getting more frustrated with his own emotions, Jenny gave me the tools to deal with it and straight away we got to work practicing it and it worked straight away! Jenny kindly used one of her own dogs as a stooge dog and we could practice what we’d learnt, by the end of the hour with Jenny, I felt super confident that I could deal with this and we’ve been doing our homework and the change is amazing!

Jenny is a completely star! Everyone and anyone could benefit from a session with her. She’s improved the bond between me and my dog which I’m incredibly thankful for. thank you Jenny

Emily G


I think it's safe to say Jenny helped save my relationship with my wonderful, ridiculous Rottweiler!

Wanda was about a year old when we first went to Jenny for help and at that point we couldn't walk her down the street as she had zero impulse control around other dogs and when she got frustrated she would lunge at the lead and get out of control. I became too anxious to walk her as this was only getting worse.

We had tried with other trainers without success, but it was obvious that Jenny is brilliant with dogs from the first moment we met her and she quickly helped us address some of our bigger issues. We know that Wanda's training is ongoing, but I can now walk her with confidence, and our relationship is stronger than ever.

We are continuing to work with Jenny over time and have also started some scent work too which is very exciting!

Thank you, Jenny, for all your help so far!

Rebecca S



As an ‘about to be’ Working Trials competitor, I met Jenny when she judged my dog and I for a Working Test. I immediately realised Jenny was exceptionally astute, knowledgeable and ‘dog relationship’ driven. Some time later, I realised I needed to improve the attention I gained from my dog in order to even enter a competitive arena. Approaching Jenny about the issue, I immediately knew it was the right thing to do. After one session, my ‘attention connection’ relationship with my dog has sky-rocketed. We, as a team, are now on a different level, and for that I have Jenny to thank!!! She is approachable, knowledgeable and detailed in her analysis and an utter pleasure to know and work with.

Tara S


I have been working with Jenny online and couldn't be happier with the results!

Our Australian Shepherd, Didge, had just hit the "teenage" years and had begun to really test the boundaries (and our sanity!)

Jenny is so knowledgeable and her teaching is clear and concise, we saw a dramatic change in Didge's behaviour.

I feel well equipped with the tools to train my dog, and it has helped my confidence no end - especially on walks.

I'm really enjoying the training and reeping the rewards with a (mostly) well behaved pup and a new excitement of what else we can learn from working with Jenny!

Alex H



Jenny was great with Hugo, she was so in tune with his energy and how dogs think / behave.

She is so positive and confident with him and following a weeks day time residentials we can see such an improvement in him. He’s a lively puppy but she’s managed to control that energy without suppressing his personality and also overcome his fear of stairs which we’d been working on for months unsuccessfully.

She’s built such good foundations with him around being calm, socialising with other dogs, recall and commands / duration training.

She’s such a lovely person who clearly loves dogs so much. Her own pack helps train and they are unbelievably under control it’s awesome. Hugo loved his time with Jenny and we feel so much more informed and equipped to continue building on his training thanks to her videos, tips and explanations in person. Thanks Jenny! Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend - we’ve been through 3 trainers now and Jenny is definitely the top dog!

Sally R


Before I met Jen I was struggling massively with a wilful beagle puppy, young grandchildren and a mother with dementia. I needed an obedient dog, something I had not achieved with any of my previous dogs.
Jen quickly took charge of the situation and Betsy (the beagle) went to stay with her for a few days. When she came back a miraculous transformation had taken place. Betsy was obedient, eager to please and happy about it!
Next step was to train me so that Betsy did not regress to her old ways and we had a few more residential sessions to reinforce the messages.
Since then we have never looked back. I will always be grateful to Jen for her help. She is kind and professional and so good at what she does.

Jacki F



We recently adopted a puppy who was extremely environmentally nervous and suffered severe seperation anxiety.

We can not recommend Jenny enough! after just 2 sessions with Jenny we now have such a relaxed, well behaved puppy and we have learnt so much that we can continue the training at home.

We cannot thank you enough Jenny.

Alisha E


I have been working with Jenny for the past 6 months with my Bulgarian rescue dog Jesse. Jesse is an anxious dog and I believe was adversely affected by his journey to the UK (3 days in a van). Having been told by a veterinary nurse to give up on Jesse very early on, instead I turned to Jenny for help. It was instantly apparent that Jenny had a great empathy and understanding for Jesse’s issues. We worked together to agree the focus for his training and also for my training! What I like about Jenny is that she is very straightforward and has been able to be extremely clear with me, correcting me when I am not being helpful to Jesse, confidently pointing me in the right direction and ultimately helping me to help my dog.

6 months on and Jesse is a different dog. We have not cracked everything but he has grown hugely in confidence, he has relaxed and I now have strong foundations on which to build. I can’t thank her enough for helping us to get on the right track.

Karen D

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We welcomed our rescue puppy, Pedro, a Portuguese podenco cross, at Easter. He was 6 months old when he came to us. Being a rescue, we had no idea what his life had been like up til now. We wanted to give him the best start with us and asked Jenny to help us with basic training. Jenny has been fantastic with Pedro (and us!), he has come along so much. From crate training to basic commands, he has done so well. His recall is coming on nicely and thanks to Jenny and her guidance, his lead walking has massively improved!

Thank you Jenny from us and Pedro!

Lorraine M



It was largely thanks to Jenny that the wonderful Loki came into my life. When I first re-homed him, I spent a weekend with Jenny and it was an utterly invaluable and essential basis from which to start work with Loki. I have not had a dog for a few years and Loki is nervous and we were, of course, getting to know each other. Jenny is everything you could need in a trainer and more- giving me as much reassurance and training as Loki. The way she explains things, her patience and understanding are vital. I would recommend her wholeheartedly. Thank you Jenny and can't wait for Loki and I to be able to spend more time with you.

Amelia C



l have trained with Jenny for a few years as a fellow dog trainer. l can honestly say she is one of the best l have seen. Her special strengths are clear communication with people and dogs, ability to set clear criteria and absolute eye for detail. She is productive, Innovative and super fun and fair for the dogs. l warmly recommend her to both beginners and advanced dog sports enthusiasts.

Mari Y

Had the pleasure of meeting Jenny and Del at a recent course. Del is simply amazing. Such a beautiful dog and incredibly intelligent. Watching the two of them together was just jaw dropping. I will definitely be seeking out Jenny if I get another dog in the future. Her talent is mind blowing.

Nicki P